I am giving away a prize pack every weekend for the six weeks of the blog tour, and then one larger prize pack at the end. Each of YOU who comments on any post will be entered into the drawing for that specific week, and then also for the end of the tour Grand Prize–all of which will be announced on this blog. Many of the blogger's posting in the blog tour are also giving away a digital copy of The Hesitant Heiress.
THE FIVE WEEKLY PRIZE PACKS: a $10 Amazon Gift Card, an eBook of The Hesitant Heiress, a mug with all three book covers and a moleskin journal!
THE GRAND PRIZE (at the end of week six): a Kindle Fire, PLUS a $10 Amazon Gift Card, an eBook of The Hesitant Heiress, a mug with all three book covers and a moleskin journal!
The Schedule:
“Coming From the Pen of Dawn Crandall…” at Margaret Chind’s blog, www.ChristianHistoricalFiction.com
The winner was ANNA WEAVER HURTT!!!!
Interview at Lisa Henson’s blog, www.bigfatf.com
The winner was PAMELA MORRISSON!!!!
Interview at Amanda Geaney’s blog, www.christianshelfesteem.wordpress.com
The winner was TINA RICE!!!!
Book Review at Stacey Daniel’s blog, www.thedanielsgreatadventure.blogspot.com
Book Review at Stacey Zink’s blog, www.suburbanthoughts.wordpress.com
The winner was LYNDA EDWARDS!!!!
Book review at Savanna Kaiser's Review: www.theengraftedword.net
Book review at Pegg Thomas’ Review: www.thesheepishscribe.blogspot.com
Book review at Joy Avery Melville’s Review: www.journeystojoy.net
Interview {with Nathan & Amaryllis too} at Karlene Jacobson’s blog, www.thebarndoor.net
***The winner of the week one's prize pack was
Book Review at Jody Bailey Day’s blog, www.jodysdevotionaljournal.blogspot.com {part 1}
Book Review at Lindsey Grogg's blog, www.lindseygrogg.wordpress.com
Spotlight on The Everstone Chronicles at Connie Fischer’s blog, www.bookworm2bookworm.wordpress.com
The winner was BREANNA DAVENPORT!!!!
~ Book Review at Susan Tuttle’s blog, www.susanltuttle.com
The winner was NANCY McLEROY!!!!
~ Interview at Hannah Conway’s blog, www.hannahrconway.com
The winner was SHEENA LIND!!!!
Interview at Cara Putman’s blog, www.caraputman.com
Interview at Amber Schamel at www.stitchesthrutime.blogspot.com
The winner was MARISA DESHAIES!!!!
***The winner of the week two's prize pack was MELISSA TAGG!!
Interview at Jody Bailey Day’s blog, www.jodysdevotionaljournal.blogspot.com {part 2}
Interview at Savanna Kaiser’s blog, www.theengraftedword.net
The winner was JACKIE McNUTT!!!!
Interview at Jaime Wright’s blog, www.coffeecupsandcamisoles.blogspot.com
The winner was HEIDI ROBBINS!!!!
Book Review at Kelly Bridgewater’s blog, www.justicethroughsuspense.blogspot.com
Interview at Lena Nelson Dooley’s blog, www.lenanelsondooley.blogspot.com
The winner was AERYKAH HARWELL!!!!
Interview at Karin Beery’s blog, www.karinbeery.com/blog
Interview at Melanie’s blog at www.
Interview at Courtney Clark’s blog, www.thegreenmockingbird.wordpress.com
The winner was JANELLA W.!!!!
***The winner of the week three's prize pack was BETH BULOW!!
Book Giveaway on Sarah Ladd’s FaceBook Page, www.facebook.com/SarahLaddAuthor
The winner was RAQUEL MUNIZ!!!!
Interview on Rachel McMillan’s blog, www.a-fair-substitute-for-heaven.blogspot.com
Interview on Iola Goulton’s blog, www.christianreads.blogspot.com {part 1}
Book Review on Iola Goulton’s blog, www.christianreads.blogspot.com {part 2}
Novel Pastimes blog, www.novelpastimes.com {part 1}
Interview at Joy Avery Melville's blog, www.journeystojoy.net
Guest Post: Having ADD, a Newborn Baby and a Book Contract… at www.SeriouslyWrite.blogspot.com
Novel PasTimes blog, www.novelpastimes.com {part 2}
The winner was KAY MOORHOUSE!!!!
Interview at Stacey Daniel’s blog, www.thedanielsgreatadventure.blogspot.com
The winner was RACHAEL MERRITT!!!!
Would You Rather {with Nathan & Amaryllis} at Jessica R. Patch’s blog, www.jessicarpatch.com
Interview at Pegg Thomas’ blog, www.quidproquills.com
***The winner of the week four's prize pack was SYLVIA MILLER!!
Interview at Heather Day Gilbert’s blog, www.heatherdaygilbert.com
Gretchen E.K. Engel’s group blog, www.thescriblerians.wordpress.com
Terri Weldon’s blog, www.terriweldon.com
Book Review at Marisa Deshaies’s blog, A Way with Words, www.mdeshaies.wordpress.com
Interview at Kate Elise Guterrez’s blog, www.thirdshiftmama.com
Interview {part 1} at Marisa Deshaies’s blog, A Way with Words, www.mdeshaies.wordpress.com
Interview at Mary Vee’s blog, www.maryvee.com
Saturday, August 23 –
~ Interview {part 2} at Marisa Deshaies’s blog, A Way with Words, www.mdeshaies.wordpress.com
***WEEK #5 PRIZE: $10 Amazon Gift Card, eBook of The Hesitant Heiress, mug with all three book covers, moleskin journal~~WINNER TO BE ANNOUNCED!!
Monday, August 25 –
~ Interview at Casey Herringshaw’s blog, www.enjoyingthewritingcraft.blogspot.com
Tuesday, August 26 –
~ Book Review/Interview with Noela Nancarrow on Overcoming With God
~ Book Review at Preslaysa Williams’ blog, www.preslaysa.com
Wednesday, August 27 –
~ Interview at Anna Moore Bradfield’s blog, www.annamoorebradfield.com
~ Book Review at Anne Payne’s blog, www.duhpaynes.blogspot.com
Thursday, August 28 –
~ Book Review at Laura Pol’s blog, www.craftybooksheeps.blogspot.com
Friday, August 29 –
~ Guest Post about “My Journey to Publication” on Sandra Ardoin’s blog, www.sandraardoin.wordpress.com
Saturday, August 30 –
~ Blog Tour Final Post and Prize Giveaway on my website www.dawncrandall.blogspot.com
***GRAND PRIZE: A KINDLE FIRE, a $10 Amazon Gift Card, eBook of The Hesitant Heiress, mug with all three book covers, moleskin journal~~WINNER TO BE ANNOUNCED!!
Other Scheduled Posts
{part 1} a mini-blog series with Kristy Cambron at www.dawncrandall.blogspot.com and www.kristycambron.com
{part 2} a mini-blog series with Kristy Cambron at www.dawncrandall.blogspot.com and www.kristycambron.com
{part 3} a mini-blog series with Kristy Cambron at www.dawncrandall.blogspot.com and www.kristycambron.com
Monday, September 8 – My Journey to Publication at Preslaysa William’s blog, www.Preslaysa.com
1 comment:
Just clicking over and checking out another Hartline member! I've seen your face around the web, but thought I'd stop by and say hello!
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